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Posted in: Guest Essay

Photograph by Fawzia Afzal-Khan, 2018.

我认识我的朋友泽巴已经有40年了——如果算上我加入拉合尔金纳德女子学院的那一年的话,认识泽巴的时间会更长一些. She was a senior and part of a group of wimmin 因为即使在那个传统的领域, they were so different from the norm–well, 她尤其体现了我后来在奥德丽·洛德的作品中读到的情色力量:

“…the erotic is not a question only of what we do; it is a question of how acutely and fully we can feel in the doing.”

According to Lorde, we’ve been mistaking the erotic for the pornographic, which is a plasticized, trivial, psychotic sensation. 通过屈服于对充分和热情的感受的恐惧(因为我们被教导要避开色情), we become “unintentional.” In so doing, 我们变成了“男人”的“他者”——像西蒙娜·德·波伏娃在她1949年的书中所阐述的那样,成为缺乏本体论存在的“女性”生物, The Second Sex我们现在可以认识到,这是关于她重申的性别二元之外的许多立场. Or, as Lorde tells us, 更明显的是:我们变成了“不愿主宰自己命运的人”.”

Easier perhaps, to let another bear the burden of our being, 不用去决定该做什么,该如何生活. But, 放弃自己做选择的“负担”, however tough the path may turn out to be, 我们也放弃了从情欲中学到的“追求卓越的内在要求”.“我们放弃了那种只有拥抱情欲才能带给我们的满足感和成就感, 一个拥抱,将使我们最接近圆满的存在和生活.

Zeba has been one of my favorite travel companions, through whom I have learnt to enjoy, 欣赏和运用最时髦的音乐品味,从Spinal Tap到David Byrne, in whose company I allow the wind to mess up my hair, wake up to sunrise kissing my face in a lakeside cottage, 开车从巴塞罗那狂奔到潘普洛纳,尽情享受海明威和潘普洛纳公牛的魅力, 穿过紫色覆盖的荒野,寻找希斯克利夫和凯茜, 一直以来,我们在女性友谊的山谷中走来走去,其间不时有相似之处,这些相似之处帮助我们通过尊重来克服差异,而不是通过sm/他人或崩溃到被迫的相同.

And so, 庆祝几十年来对情色力量的拥抱, as we enter the senior stage of our lives, 最近,我们开着她那辆黑色的涡轮增压甲壳虫开了几百英里,这标志着我即将成为祖母,而她自己也在与慢性疾病进行着非凡的持续斗争,把她热情的生活乐趣推了回来, 到蒙特利尔南部尚普兰湖一处阳光普照的迷人小屋. The hours of our journey flew by. 我们在车里跟着凯撒里亚·埃武拉(Cesaria Evora)的音乐一起唱歌,甚至跳舞,我们的个人和政治自我交织在一起, Gilberto Gil,  Junoon and Noor Jehan, and the “Bismillah, I will not let you go” of Queen.

在我们的湖边隐居处,我们读书聊天,一起做饭,泡在水里 susurrus of the water amidst the silence. 我们羡慕地凝视着对面湖面拍打着波浪的那一边雄伟的青山, went for a hike on the paths around a chasm created 13,000 years ago, enjoyed an ice cream cone at a roadside creamery, and chatted some more about our families, friends, 我们生活的世界的状态和我们与它的深度接触.

Through the process of this “becoming,这是一段进入彼此亲密世界的一生旅程,在那里,个人和政治合二为一, 我觉得我已经进入了简·拉扎尔所说的“一种高度的意识,这种意识似乎总是把我自己的生活与我自己之外的东西纠缠在一起。.”

尼日利亚作家奇努阿·阿奇贝(Chinua Achebe)称这种感觉状态为“想象的认同”,"自我发现和人道良知之间的联系不断加强.”

To me, 这是女权主义友谊的礼物:我们在努力中庆祝色情, 持久而有意义的友谊需要我们付出艰辛的努力. 这种“工作”,作为生活美满的标志,确实是一个有意识的决定. It unleashes the power of the erotic, understood as commitment, 比狭隘的个人利益更重要的东西. In Audre Lorde’s hallowed words, when we celebrate the erotic in any endeavor, that means we make a conscious decision to commit, because we want to, because we believe in it.

因此,这种长期的友谊——就像我其他的生活努力一样——是一个有意识的决定, akin, in Lorde’s words, again, 到“一张渴望已久的床”,一个人“满怀感激地进入”,一个人“充满力量地从床上爬起来”.”

It is empowering indeed, 生活和沐浴在情爱努力的光芒中:在那里,你通过富有想象力的社区成为一个更好的你, with whose help the “I” becomes a “you” becomes an “us.”

Fawzia Afzal-Khan is a 33 year veteran of MSU. 大学杰出学者和英语教授, she directed the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program from 2009-15. 她的专业领域包括后殖民文学和理论, 文化与表演研究与跨国女权主义研究. She is author and editor of five books, and her sixth, 海妖之歌:通过女歌手了解巴基斯坦 将于今年晚些时候由牛津大学出版社出版. 她目前拥有富布赖特访问专家奖学金(2015-2020), 是NEH发展基金的得奖者,该基金使她能够制作一部关于巴基斯坦女歌手的纪录片, 在2018-19学年担任纽约大学阿布扎比分校的艺术客座教授后,他将于今年秋天回到密歇根州立大学, where she taught courses in Muslim Popular Culture, 全球化背景下的跨国女性主义与女性主义理论.

Check out her blog at: