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High school students can explore their interests and experience campus life with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s weeklong Pre-College Summer Program

Posted in: Arts, Business, 传播与媒体, Homepage News, 人文社会科学, 科学技术

High school students in Montclair’s Pre-College Summer Program on Sports Communication will learn the ins and outs of the field.

你是否对表演感兴趣, sportscasting, Wall Street, 医学预科专业或许多其他学科, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学为你提供服务. 十大博彩推荐排名正在扩大它的 大学预科暑期课程 适合高中生, providing a dozen different hands-on opportunities in summer 2024 to learn, 玩得开心,体验一下十大博彩推荐排名. The weeklong programs will run June 14-20 and let students explore their interests and potential field of study, 以及相关的实地考察.

Some popular programs, such as 影视制作 and 大苹果的夏日:令人兴奋的纽约之旅, 是否在添加新程序时返回. “This year, so far, 影视制作 is still very popular but the most popular appears to be the new Pre-Medical Professionals program,Dominique Houze说, 战略和项目发展高级主管.

“I’m excited for this program because some students at that age should still be exploring, and they don’t have to know exactly what they are completely interested in yet,” Houze says. “We’re giving them a taste of living life as a college student for one week. You’re on the campus, you’re going to class, 你会结识新朋友, 你在食堂吃饭, 你在利用我们的校园资源. Our ultimate goal is to get students to really fall in love with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 early on; we have a beautiful campus, 我们有很棒的设施.”

While the classes are meant to be fun and don’t have the pressure of grades and credits, 它们也具有教育意义, Houze says. “They might not be receiving tests and final grades that go on to their transcript but they are learning, 这是认真对待的. 这不仅仅是一段有趣的时光, it’s also academics and a good example of what Montclair is as an undergraduate student.”

An estimated 250 students are expected to participate in this summer’s programs, 哪些国家可以上升到第10名, 11th and 12th graders. (To apply, 访问大学预科暑期课程页面.)

对于教师来说,Houze说暑期项目是一个发挥创造力的机会. “在大学预科学生中, there’s a bigger opportunity to be innovative and take a little bit of what you currently do, 加入你想要探索的新策略, new research that you found and create something unique for the pre-college population.”

Professor Lauren Carr is excited to teach the new Animation and VFX session this summer. 她愉快地回忆起自己参加的一个暑期项目, 所以当Keith Strudler, 传播与媒体学院院长, 找她要开这门课, she was all in.

“I did this actually when I was in high school; it’s something I’ll never forget. It was really fun. 我遇到了很多其他的孩子, 我要感受一下大学生活, 我也在那里学到了大学. 我学到了一些直到上了大学才会发现的东西, 所以这绝对是有益的,” Carr says.

Students in this program can look forward to everything from figure drawing to 3D sculpting and will visit Nickelodeon and other animation studios. “课程很有趣,”她说. “他们不会紧张和有压力. It’s kind of a laid back and collaborative atmosphere, so it should be nice.”

司法研究副教授Daniela Peterka-Benton, who is co-leading 法律与秩序:了解美国的刑事司法系统, Gabriel Rubin教授, 她说,她认为暑期课程拓展了学生对未来的视野. “这是一个很好的机会. It’s hard sometimes for [high schoolers] to see what the world has to offer. So, any opportunity to try out certain areas and see if this is actually something that really interests them, I think is great. 我真的,真的很高兴十大博彩推荐排名现在提供所有这些课程.”


  • 十大博彩推荐排名百老汇学院, where talented Montclair students will be immersed in all things Broadway for three days, July 22-24.
  • 意大利西西里岛留学 计划,对16岁或以上的高中生开放. 由历史教授道恩·玛丽·海斯领导, 谁为大学生开办了类似的项目, the 10-day excursion offers students an opportunity to earn three history credits. 该活动将于7月19日至30日举行.
历史系系主任杰夫·斯特里克兰, far left, leads students as they cross the streets of New York City to learn about the city’s art, 2023年的建筑和历史.


Animation and VFX – Students will delve into the fundamentals of animation and visual effects, 在大学最先进的计算机实验室工作, 在那里他们会接触到3D建模, 3D动画和其他动画工具. The program also includes a day trip to New York City for an exclusive tour of cutting-edge visual effects studios.

商业、创业和创新 – This program is for students who are business-minded or dream of being their own boss as entrepreneurs. 他们将探讨科技和商业趋势, 去华尔街实地考察,并与商界领袖会面.

Computer Science – Students will experience the work of a threat intelligence analyst through a fun, gamified, hands-on approach to learning about cybersecurity and gain practical knowledge about becoming a Security Operations Center Analyst, a Threat Hunter, 事件响应员和网络情报分析员.

法律与秩序:了解美国的刑事司法系统 – Students will explore the many professions and aspects of law and order and take a field trip to a courtroom. From learning how the criminal mind works to role playing as a lawyer or judge, 他们将扩大他们的警务知识, 犯罪现场分析和社区正义.

影视制作 -学生将制作、指导和编辑一个项目. 除了和演员一起工作, 他们将学习照明, 在电影片场工作,参观电影或电视演播室, where they will meet with working professionals and learn more about careers in the film and television industry.

Model United Nations -学生将扮演联合国外交官, 同时学习起草决议, 发表声明并进行谈判. 由阿尔弗雷多·托罗·卡内瓦利教授领导, a former UN Ambassador, the students will put to use a variety of foreign policy tools and visit the UN in New York.

我的职业 – Aspiring medical professionals will learn about anatomy and many areas of the medical profession, 在比赛中测试他们新获得的知识. 他们还将接受心肺复苏术的培训, the use of defibrillators and how to stop bleeding and will interact with medical professionals.

社交媒体的成功:影响、营销和创意策略 -学生将沉浸在社交媒体的世界, 与有影响力的人和品牌合作, 并最终发起一场社交媒体活动. 计划到纽约市的一家通讯机构进行实地考察.

Sports Communication – Budding sports journalists and commentators will get hands-on experience by producing content using the University’s state-of-the-art digital studios and equipment. Students will hone their sports writing skills across multimedia formats and take a field trip to a sporting event in the New York City area.

大苹果的夏日:令人兴奋的纽约之旅 – Students will travel to Manhattan daily to learn about the city’s history, architecture, 文化与民族美食. They will also attend Hamilton 在百老汇演出,并将他们的经历写成摄影文章.

The Craft of Acting – Aspiring actors will learn to listen and react moment to moment to a dramatic text, train for voice work and ultimately discover their natural voice and physical expression. 去看《哈利波特, 和十大博彩推荐排名校友基拉·乔丹, BFA Acting ’xx, 百老汇的演出也在进行中.

华尔街和投资经验 – Students interested in finance will explore it all with a walking tour of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City. Program Director Christopher Russomanno says “there’s a lot of  misinformation” about Wall Street, 所以这个节目将有助于揭开它的神秘面纱. 学生将学习一些金融数学, how the industry works and even examine how Wall Street is portrayed in movies.

欲了解更多信息并申请2024年夏季课程, 访问大学预科暑期课程页面.

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Story by Staff Writer Sylvia A. Martinez. 图片由大学摄影师提供 Mike Peters.