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Grade Grievance

About This Policy

Responsible Office
Academic Affairs


Seek to overturn a decision in the regular process
Arbitrarily, capriciously, or erroneously
Randomly, unreasonably, or mistakenly
Binding decision
All parties must adhere to the decision
Final decision
Suggestion, nonbinding


To ensure due process, protect the rights of individuals, 并为涉及学术成绩申诉的学生和教师提供学术自由, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的本科生和毕业生将有机会对他们认为武断的课程成绩进行质疑, capriciously, or erroneously assigned. 涉及案件的学生和教师都应根据大学标准认真考虑任何证据,并合理权衡结果.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and, if desired, continue the process under this policy. 学生必须清楚地提出任何投诉的理由,并使用课程文件提供证据, such as their graded work products, syllabus, grading rubrics, and attendance records. The grievance process must progress within a reasonable timeframe (i.e.,在提交有争议的成绩后的下学期内结束).

A student may be eligible to request expediting the process, 学业成绩申诉程序的解决是否会影响学生按时完成学业的能力, or to complete final requirements for graduation. 加速审查的目标是在添加/删除期结束之前完成该过程. 对快速审查的批准将来自教务长或指定人员, 与学生主修系和/或其他相关办公室协商, and will be based solely on the aforementioned eligibility criteria.

Phase I (Department/School Level):

To begin the process, 学生必须首先向分配分数的老师提交, copied to the Department/School Chair/Director, a completed grade grievance form, clearly documenting the basis of the dispute, providing evidence for claims, and requested outcomes. 随后将与分配分数的教师进行私人(一对一)会议. If the instructor does not respond within 2 weeks, or if the student disagrees with the instructor’s determination, 学生可向开设该课程的院系主任/系主任提出投诉. 然后,主席/主任将与学生和教师会面(一起或单独)。, and will make a recommendation to the instructor. 导师和主席/主任必须通知项目协调员或研究生项目主任申请的状态和进展, as well as notify the Office of the Registrar. 打算在本学期末毕业的学生应该意识到,追究申诉可能会导致收到学位和参加正式毕业练习的延误.

Phase II (College/School Dean Level):

If a student decides to appeal, 学生必须在申诉表格中补充额外的信息,说明为什么第一阶段的决定不令人满意, and request a hearing by the College Dean or designee. 院长的调查结果必须提交给老师和学生, copied to the Chair/Director, with a binding decision on all parties.

Phase III (University Provost/Grade Grievance Committee Level):

If not acceptable to either the student or the instructor, 学院/学院院长/指定人员的决定可向年级申诉委员会提出上诉. 索赔人必须在申诉表格中补充提出上诉的理由, the outcome sought clearly stated in writing, and additional information. 年级申诉委员会由各学院教师和教务长/指定人员每年各自选举的代表组成, and shall be managed by the Dean of Students/designee, who shall have no vote. 委员会必须努力在其审议中保持公正和公平. 职级申诉委员会必须将其最终和有约束力的决定发给所有各方,并将其结论提交教务长/指定人员. If the grade grievance is following an approved expedited schedule, and if the Committee cannot be convened in time to adjudicate, the Provost is empowered to resolve the appeal in its place.

在职系申诉委员会作出任何结论后,如有证据显示委员会一名或多名成员存在程序上的不当行为,可向教务长提出特别申诉.g., decision due to bias against one party).



Academic Affairs, in consultation with Student Development and Campus Life, shall design, approve, and periodically evaluate the grade grievance procedure. 程序应阐明与本政策一致的步骤,包括大致的时间表.



  • No later than one week following receipt of a contested final grade, 受影响的学生填写一份分数申诉表,并安排与分配分数的教师一对一会面. (此表格直接交给指导老师,并抄送系/校主席/主任).
  • By the 2nd week of the next semester, the student meets with the instructor, who responds with a decisive outcome. In instances where the instructor is not available, 学生将直接与系/校主席/主任会面.
  • By the 4th week of the next semester, 对成绩不满的未解决或不满意的结果可以上升到部门/学校主席/主任, who must submit a recommendation to the instructor and student.
  • If unresolved, by the 6th week, 学生可补充申诉表格,并向学院/学院院长/指定人员提出申诉, who must meet with the student and make a binding decision, notifying all parties.
  • By the 8th week, 学生或教师都可以向教务长/指定人员对院长的决定提出上诉, supplementing the grievance form. 教务长/指定人员必须通知学生审查案件的决定,或通知学生案件将被转交给学术申诉委员会.
  • By the 12th week of the semester, updating the grievance form, 教务长/指定人员通知所有各方他/她或学术申诉委员会的有约束力的决定.
  • 学生或教师可以根据委员会成员程序不当行为的具体主张向教务长提出特别申诉(在申诉表格中补充详细的证据)。.

这一申诉程序是由学生发起和学生驱动的,但也是基于证据的. The student must complete the grievance form at all levels. 系主任/主任在部门/学院内确定的所有结果都是由讲师提出或向讲师提出的建议.

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