


To be considered for admission to the BFA/BA DANCE MAJOR, students should first submit an 在线申请 去十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, then proceed to the 面试的准备 section of this website for audition guidelines.

The 大学 application will request the documents below from all dance applicants:

  • $65申请费
  • $65试镜费 
  • 成绩单
  • 舞蹈经历简历
  • 个人陈述
  • Full body dance pose of any kind showing line, form, 和 expression
  • 两封推荐信
  • Please have the dance professional email the letter to msuadmin@十大博彩推荐排名.Edu和paoluccic@十大博彩推荐排名.Edu,这样就可以上传到你的门户了.
  • 屏幕前视频(详见试镜准备)


  1. 上传 并在 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/应用. Pre-screen videos will 不 be viewed 和 information regarding the audition outcome will 不 be processed until all materials 是 complete.
  2. 激活 your 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Account through the email from The Office of Undergraduate 招生 with the subject line: 感谢您申请十大博彩推荐排名州立大学!
  3. 检查 your inbox for an email from The Office of Undergraduate 招生 with the subject line: 十大博彩推荐排名州舞蹈选拔赛的信息. This email will guide you through uploading your 筛选 video 和 registering for an audition. 


新生入学和转学申请者 Auditioning Through a Partner Organization

在2024-2025年,我们的合作伙伴组织包括 狂欢舞蹈大会(FL), NYDCA (NY) & AZ), Dancewave/DTCB (NY), Booker T. 华盛顿大学展示(TX).

If you 是 auditioning through one of these partner organizations, you 是 要求提交屏幕前视频,但是,你 required to submit all of the other materials listed above to complete your 大学 application. After your audition with the partner organization has taken place 和 you have applied to the 大学, you will receive an email from the Office of Undergraduate 招生 with the result. 


  1. 参与 or plan to participate in an audition through a partner organization.
  2. 注册1 与伙伴机构合作.
  3. 注册2 *  在这里 和 choose the partner organization audition event – even if you have already auditioned. Registering for the partner organization audition event through our website allows us to connect your audition result to your 大学 Application. 如果你已经通过合作伙伴组织试镜, your audition result will 不 be posted unless you have also registered through the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 website. 

* If you registered at 狂欢舞蹈大会(FL), NYDCA (NY) & AZ),则不需要注册. 我们已经代表你这么做了.


For 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Students currently enrolled who wish to change their major to Dance, you must first email our 舞蹈招生协调员 克里斯蒂娜保鲁西 (paoluccic@十大博彩推荐排名.edu) 并索取必要的表格.   Then, you will need to upload the following items to the form:

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学成绩单
  • 舞蹈经历简历
  • 个人陈述
  • Full body dance pose of any kind showing line, form, 和 expression
  • 两封推荐信 
    • 一封来自学术老师
    • 一个是专业舞蹈演员的 
  • 屏幕前视频(详见试镜准备)

如果你对面试过程有任何疑问, 请十大博彩推荐排名的舞蹈招生协调员, 克里斯蒂娜·保鲁奇 paoluccic@十大博彩推荐排名.edu.


Pre-screen Video Submission to determine if the applicant moves forward to a 完整的试镜.  一段2-3分钟的现代或当代风格的独奏. The solo may be videoed in a studio or outdoors, or it could be from a performance. 录像必须是最近的,在过去的六个月内. 

视频介绍指南: At the start of the video, identify the following either as text or as a spoken introduction.

  • 申请人姓名及所在州
  • 该作品的编舞

T在这里 is an option to submit a second 2-3 minute video in a different genre (tap, 嘻哈, 芭蕾舞, 弗拉曼柯舞, 等等)这不是必需的, 但如果提交, 确保遵循介绍指南. 在注册表格中有一个单独的链接. 

For all submissions: We can only accept YOUTUBE or VIMEO links through the registration portal. We can 不 receive video links by email or documents with a link. 

视频的服装: Make sure to wear clothing that allows adjudicators to see you 和 your movement clearly. Avoid dark colors on a dark background; oversized, 厚, or loose clothing that obscures movement; 和 hairstyles that cover the face.

注意: Pre-screens will only be reviewed if all materials 是 complete. This includes a letter of recommendation from a dance professional 和 an academic teacher.


舞蹈教师评审后 筛选 视频提交和其他材料, 申请人如获邀请,将获通知, 或不, 参加 完整的试镜. Applicants invited to a 完整的试镜 will stay at 十大博彩推荐排名州立 for the entire audition session, 看看试镜的每个环节. 约在试镜前3-5天, applicants will receive an email from 克里斯蒂娜保鲁西 with any updates 和 detailed information about the audition, 包括发送个人独奏音乐的链接. 


  • 慷慨地与他人合作
  • Fluidity of movement within personal space 和 through space
  • 清晰的身体发音
  • 利用动量为运动提供动力
  • 好奇心和坚韧
  • 有节奏的敏锐度
  • 空间意识
  • Clear point of view 和 opinions in writing 和/or the interview
  • Expression in dance practice — this may be through dynamics, line, face, etc.
  • 个人表达的真实性

Please 不e that 芭蕾舞 remains an important part of our dance training curriculum, 尽管这不是面试的一部分. 


The in-person audition days will last from 11:45 am – approximately 6:00 pm. 试镜将包括:

  • Information session 和 opportunity to meet with current dance majors
  • 当代类
  • 组织即兴创作 
  • 独奏表演 
    • The audition solo is to be 1 minute in length 和 must be in the modern/contemporary genre. It does 不 have to be the exact one you sent in for the 筛选 process. 穿上舞蹈编排时穿的鞋子或袜子. Identify the choreographer, or if it is self-choreographed. NOTE: Please do 不 include any “no h和” gymnastic-style movements such as aerials, 和 backflips. 
  • 小组面试


The virtual audition day will last from 12:00 pm – approximately 5:00 pm EST. The Zoom link 和 virtual audition instructions will be sent by email from 克里斯蒂娜保鲁西 about 3 – 5 days before the audition.

  • Information session 和 opportunity to meet with current dance majors 
  • 当代类
  • 即兴会话
  • 小组面试

You may view your required items at any time 和 upload materials at 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/应用. You must first activate your 十大博彩推荐排名州立 account through the email you received from Undergraduate 招生 with the subject line: 感谢您申请十大博彩推荐排名州立大学!,如果你还没有这样做的话.

If you have any questions about your audition process please contact 克里斯蒂娜·保鲁奇 paoluccic@十大博彩推荐排名.edu.












